Polls app is an application for discussing questions between a few companies via electronic polls. It is used in agriculture, housing utilities, urban development, service and other organizations, whose employees often work with requests, tasks and contractors. Via the app you can find out, which organization is ready to perform a task, who owns some area, etc. The Polls app works with the service MapAdmin for tasks management. How it works:
• User creates a poll and attaches controversial task from MapAdmin• User selects some organizations, which can help him to resolve a question• Organizations get notifications about new poll and they automatically become members of this poll• Members answer a question. Then administrators of organization select the best answer and send it on behalf of the organization• Author of the poll gets answers from all organizations, selects one of them for solving a problem and closes the poll
The main benefits of app:
• No need in individual cooperation with employees, departments and companies• All answers come till specified time• If task can`t be performed by one organization, there is no need to forward it to other organizations• Each organization chooses final answer and employee by itself• Employees can talk about problems in a private chat or send public comments, which will be available for all organizations from a poll